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FFA Celebrate the Chapter as They Serve Others at Christmas


By: Manuel Lugo

December 13th of 2019, the Cedar Bluff FFA hosted a Christmas party for their members. This party was held to wrap presents for the family adopted by the chapter and to thank all FFA members for joining this year. 


On the night itself the FFA officers purchased presents, like toys, clothes, and video games. Once they returned to the school, the officers decorated the classroom and their very own Chritsmas tree before preparing food for all members to enjoy.

Vice President Logan Hall stated, “This Christmas party shows our members how important it is to give back to people.  It is also a time we thank our members for their service, and we encourage other students to join the FFA.” 

Hall has been a member of FFA for six years and has helped with the annual FFA Christmas party for four years. 

The celebration involved food, as well as games and competitions with prizes. 

“For me this will encourage more students at Cedar Bluff to join FFA and encourage our younger members to stick with it longer,” Senior FFA President Jack Horton said.  Horton feels passionately about the FFA organization and hopes people will feel the same way after he is gone. 

Of course, along with the fun and food, the main focus was wrapping gifts for the adopted family.

“This Christmas will be a better one knowing that we have helped another family in need and assured a child a smile on his face when he wakes up Christmas Day,” FFA Treasurer Manuel Lugo said.              

The Christmas party will show members of the Cedar Bluff FFA that serving others in the community is important for the holiday season and all year round. 

Furthermore, they realize FFA is a far-reaching service organization beyond conferences and judging competitions.               

The FFA has been hosting Christmas parties for four years now and will continue the tradition.

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